Our services

perryprojects seeks to fully integrate its services with all other project functions.

Services include:

  • engagement and consultation with community, industry and government
  • relationship building and management
  • issues and risk identification and management
  • corporate and community advocacy
  • facilitation and mediation
  • training of project personnel

The team

Brad is a consultation, engagement and relationship building specialist and has worked on large infrastructure projects in Queensland. He has implemented and evaluated relationship building programs for in excess of ten years.

He has extensive experience in government, industry sectors, ethnic, special needs, rural and regional communities in Queensland.

Brad has broad experience in project management, service delivery, information and educational resource development, research, marketing, media and information technology.

The perryprojects team of consultants are experienced professionals focussed on working with communities, industry and government in a climate of trust, integrity, mutual respect and support.

Our commitment

perryprojects is committed to providing best practice engagement and relationship building services for whole of life projects and delivering outcomes that are timely, effective, within budget and value for money.



